
Hi! So I'm pretty new to itch.io, and coding in general, haha. Not sure how these blog posts exactly work either, but figured I would make one just to introduce myself and my project in depth! :) 

Golden Throne has always been something I've been making for around 4 years at this point. At first, it was just Dionysus, but later on a comic, and now as you might tell, has taken form in this game. I've been working on and off for about a year and a quarter. At the start, a good friend of mine suggested I make one, as she offered to do coding, so I went to working on visuals, Cupid being the first model I made for the game. I went on to make Dio's model, but I hated how it looked so much, I kind of halted development on the game up until later into the year, haha! But my friend had also stopped any work given things in her life stopped her from coding, and eventually I figured "Well, how hard could it be to code a game?". Anyways, eventually I did some tests just to get a basic understanding of ren'py code before using what I learned for the game! Now that I'm  finished with the demo, I'll be taking about a month to market and rest a little bit before working on the rest of the game! 

I have big plans in store for the last half or so of the game. For this demo, it's silly, but I taped this big piece of paper on the wall next to my desk bulleting every single plot point I wanted to add into the game, but now that all of those points have a red check mark next to them, I guess I'll need to add three more pieces of paper now! I'm just wondering where exactly I'll find the wall space to put them... Regardless, I hope you've all enjoyed the game so far, again, I'm unsure how blog posts work, but I would love to hear anyone's feedback, and have a nice rest of your day! 

Get Golden Throne: Tides of Love

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